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Meta Maker Blamer Gamer

Satan Meta Maker Blamer Gamer


The spinning spindle of "I told you so,". The ball of wires. IT was at the moment he (Satan) knew...the captain of the cosmic eternal finger-pointing is an intelligent being; however, his might is applied in greed, appetite for destruction, and stubbornness, and therefore even when up against the wall with logic, he will seek to go one lair deeper into double-negatives. An inversion of anything supple, and an energetic blackhole. Maybe he will get his last and final wish as a hoorah?! That hoorah is a horror of a wish: a new world that seeks to hang on to their flesh only to use it as a hook pimped-out, a waste basket of energetic deceit, and a mechanism to prolong the inevitable. A capped soul--A capsule. A pod with the tentacle of death prolonging and dealing more death. A matrix and a final attempt to escape God's judgement. Yikes!

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