The first and furthest jump as said to be how high and in response to withstand an impending societal wave glomming up, sneering down, shoving themselves as fodder into the cusp of social scoring. Blood running as the tide in the water; keyboard strokes get ever more restless shoring against a social feedback loop that reaches further into a current that has callused hands knee-jerked into a devoid two-faced spinelessness that stretches into the likes of being defined as a 'hive-mind', all while being whiplashed back into that of a kingdom that is divided against itself and built on the sand.
Restless hands kicking and screaming down on one another as allegation acts as moral chum in the water for the social reporting system having neighbors drowning each other and gasping for another perceived breath and chance to prove oneself. The shallow ended social issues being used as a flare gun with a hot button to be triggered, having the grains of sand lined up to give an account of the moral standing they feel they amount to. The deeper the feigned concern and the louder the shrieks, the loftier the self-righteous raft built to be positioned as limbo and leverage to strongarm another lively day out of a surface level existence.
The walking contradiction of hypocrisy; dragging up with it meaningless words, as the mechanics of the self-serving go about normalizing the actuality that any redeemable quality of man has long been watered down, if not completely drowned out by society persistently crying wolf. All of the outcries of legitimate caring feigned as a gimmick-laced communal popularity contest, to the likes of: “If you see something say something”. And the busy hands continually hunkering down, shuttering up, pointing and casting one another out, simply to be called and ignored for and as what it is: A Busy "Virtue Signal".
Matthew 7:26-27 “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: 27 and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”